Attendance Policy
At St Paul’s School, we promote a culture in which children enjoy coming to school. We are committed to providing a full and efficient education to all pupils and embrace the concept of equal opportunities for all. We will endeavour to provide an environment where all pupils feel valued and welcome.
Planned Leave Request
If absence is required in, exceptional circumstances parents or carers must apply in writing to the Planned Leave Committee for permission for that absence. This must be done at least six weeks in advance of the planned absence and include the reasons for absence.
Holidays should not be taken in term time. Absence for leave in term time may only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. The application for leave must be made six weeks in advance and the Planned Leave Committee must be satisfied that there are truly exceptional circumstances based on the individual facts and circumstances of the case.
For further information please see the Attendance Policy above or contact the school admin team
Steps of intervention when attendance drops below 95%
Working closely with our families is vital for us to understand the context and reasons for absences. The steps of intervention that have been outlined below are implemented when a child has repeat absences. If you are at all concerned about your child’s attendance, please do make an appointment with Mrs Millington-Jones our attendance lead.
Step 1 Attendance drops below 95%:
Attendance lead will give the family a call to chat about the reasons for the 10 days absence. In this phone call, the Attendance lead will offer support and advice, reminding families of why attendance in school is so important.
Step 2 Attendance continues to drop between 93% and 90%:
When a child’s attendance has dipped between 93% and 90% attendance (max of 19 days absent) parents and carers will be contacted and invited to a meeting with Attendance lead to discuss absences. Absence periods will be fully discussed with support plans offered to those families who are struggling to get children in school on a daily basis.
Step 3 Attendance continues to drop below 90%:
If attendance of a child continues to drop below 90%, our Education Welfare Officer and or Attendance lead will meet with families to offer further support in an individualised action plan. This action plan aims to give parents and carers smaller more manageable targets to help support children with their attendance in school.
Step 4 Possible Safeguarding Concern:
If attendance of the child doesn’t improve following all support plans and interventions in place, we will discuss this potential safeguarding matter further with the Education Welfare Officer and the Local Authority for further advice.