Year 6
Global Awareness: I understand how my behaviours impact locally, nationally and globally at a political and environmental level.
Reflective Learning: I can critically reflect on what I am doing in order to improve.
Business and Communication: I understand what ambition and drive mean and the impact they may have on my future.
Creativity and Inventiveness: I can transform my own original ideas or plans into a product and performance and evaluate the outcome.
Teamwork and Collaboration: I can acquire knowledge and develop new skills and attributes by learning from and with my peer group.
Resilience: I persevere, making several attempts to solve problems if necessary, and practising new skills in order to improve attainment and realise my ambitions.
Healthy Life, Healthy Mind: I can manage my diet and organise myself so that I benefit from opportunities to develop a healthy body and mind.
Business and Communication: I can use a wide variety of software to enhance my learning and to communicate ideas.
Question and Wonder: I can ask big questions and research answers using a wide range of sources, presenting my findings clearly.
Independence: I can manage all aspects of school life with minimal support.