Update: Phased Opening - Wednesday 3rd June 2020 R, Y1, Y6
Dear Parents and Carers,
Further to the government announcement last night, we are permitted to phase our opening to more children from 1st of June. As previously mentioned, the decision for us as a school has been made following consultations with the Local Authority, our independent health and safety advisor, the views of parents and staff and guidance from the government.
Initially we will open our doors to Reception and Year 6 on a Monday to Thursday basis and Year 1 on at Tuesday to Friday basis. The critical key worker and vulnerable children will be able to attend on a full time Monday to Friday basis. Time slots will have been emailed to families today. Please give the office a call if you haven’t received a slot by 12 noon today.
This arrangement will begin on Wednesday 3rd June and will be monitored and reviewed on a daily basis. If at any point we feel that the health and safety of our pupils and staff is being compromised then plans may change.
Please don’t feel guilty or worried about not returning your child to school just yet. We completely understand the difficult position you are in, making your decision. There will be no unauthorised absences registered and no penalty notices issued for families who wish to keep their child learning from home. It is completely your choice as to whether you send your child into school with us, we want you to know that we support your decision completely.
If you need any further advice or guidance regarding the further opening of school – please click on this link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/closure-of-educational-settings- information-for-parents-and-carers/reopening-schools-and-other-educational-settings-from-1-june
Kindest regards,
Mrs Vautier-Thomas Mr Robertson (Chair of Governors)